The methods of modern science rest upon an assurance that the world is both rational and contingent. Science advances by the observation of phenomena and through induction from the results of this observation. Nature is really real and scientists can give us the practical insight into how it works.
Over the course of the past few hundred years, however, science has also sought to provide an ultimate explanation of all things. This is where it has finally failed us. Charles Darwin, the high priest of the modern movement’s ideology noted: "A scientific man ought to have no wishes, no affections—a mere heart of stone." Darwin wrote as a rigorous scientific rationalist.
The church does not do science. It should respect science and not fight it. But the church provides what science cannot—clear testimony that someone, from outside our natural world, has spoken and this word can direct our public and private lives. When science has only "a mere heart of stone" it denies that there is someone who creates, sustains, judges and redeems. When it denies a personal God it dissolves into cold irrationalism and science then becomes the master of humanity. Witness the twentieth cenutry. This is the modern end. Only the testimony of a healthy church can recover true rationality at this point. Conversion is not simply a matter of the heart but also of the will and the mind. The thinking Christian will always believe and live in ways that recognize that the world is both rational and contingent, the very foundation upon which modern science rested before Darwin, the high priest of modern science, built a new edifice.
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