Adventus Christi
(The Coming of Christ)
In the desert of my heart,
I hear the voice,
“Prepare the way;”
in the chaos and the clutter,
the confusion of my making,
now I turn, to see Him standing
at the door.
And where do I begin, Lord?
I have placed so many obstacles
before the gate. Is it too late
to move them now, or to make straight
the path that I have twisted
to my stubborn will?
I turn away, but cannot hide
from such a Light, from such a Star,
that shows me who I am, oh Lord,
and who You are.
Be born in me, oh Gift of Grace,
that from the cradle to the Cross
my path might be the path of Love,
my way, the Way of Light, of Hope,
of Peace.
Author: Stephanie Stover is a writer and poet who lives in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. This Advent poem is used by her permission.
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