Thanks to all of you who wrote in response to my blog (last week) about my writing these blogs. I go through these "seasons" when I wonder if this is truly worth my time and yours. I usually recover to write again. I wish I could just sit down with every person who wants to talk to me and listen and respond. Some of you actually do this with me and I love it. At the least I wish I could answer every respondent personally. I am, unfortunately, a perfectionist. I am also a people person. This combination has landed me in a great deal of personal trouble over the years. I want to listen but I can also take comments too personally when they were not meant in that way at all.
I write a lot about "conservative Reformed" opinions and responses for one primary reason: I have lived in this world most of my adult life and have some understanding of its ministries, leaders, authors, etc. Many of my very best friends teach and minister in this context. Some of those who most dislike my input are also in this world. This is not surprising at all if you know how these things work. The same is true in the charismatic world or the emergent world.
Earlier today I posted some statements on my Twitter site from the late American historian Daniel Boorstin. (If you use Twitter please sign up if you would like to follow me.) I am a huge fan of Daniel J. Boorstin. This reminded me of a great Boorstin quote about writing. He said, "I write to discover what I think. After all, the bars aren't open that early."
What a great line. I do not look for bars but I know the feeling. I find writing a better outlet than the alternatives. I tend to think out loud so I can learn when I write. I also tend to write because it forces me to put my ideas down in words and then listen to what other say about my ideas. Your comments, pro or con, are not offensive to me personally. If someone is rude I simply do not post the comment. If someone persists in making a point that has been overdone then I will choose not to post them after these folks have had the floor for some period of time. Otherwise, I learn from my friends and from my critics. What amazes me, quite truthfully, is that so many good folks actually read this blog. I hope I can make it worth your time because your time is very valuable. I only read what inspires me, what teaches me, or both. Knowing this to be the case I remain grateful to you my readers.
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The Boorstin quote reminds me of something Helmut Thielicke wrote to the effect that “his theology followed his preaching rather than preceded it.”
Write on!
Sorry I didn’t comment earlier but your blog posts are ones I always look forward to – and from which I learn much. Thank you for the time you put into posting – it is greatly appreciated from my humble corner of blogdom.
I am wondering this morning if this were the time of Jesus’ ministry, death and rising would the Gospel be carried out by bloggers, twitters and the like or would it be delivered by various people going from town to town on foot? I suspect there would be some of both but, for those of us who are incarnationally minded, this is the time and the highways and byways are indeed electronic and of the ether (ethereal?)and the medium does carry the message and indeed may be in part THE message. The Roman roads of the day that Paul and others traveled on them were the highest technology for the spreading of ideas. Keep on writing John. Revelation history depends on the likes of you and others.