Far too few people realize that the Civil Rights Movement would never have happened without the African-American Church. This was a deeply spiritual movement, bathed in prayer and preaching, like so many profound social movements in America’s history. This film sets out to show how this really happened. Narrated by Ossie Davis it proves to be a great introduction to a theme that I fear is almost lost to modern Christians.
The Civil Rights Movement has been examined from many different angles but this is the first attempt to connect it directly to the Church. What role did churches really have in the rise and history of this movement and why was this so important in the long run? Why were ministers so central to this effort and how did they give it strength without becoming political partisans, at least in terms of the kind of politics that are normally associated with such social change today?
The principal participants in the Civil Rights Movement are seen on this film and openly talk about their role. Most of them are now retired ministers. One of them is an important historian of the black churches and their movement. Others include people who were youthful participants in the struggle, including two of the nine students who integrated Central High School in Little Rick in 1957.
This film should be seen by Christians of all backgrounds and ages. It is a production of Family Net Television and is suitable for younger viewers if you want them to understand the real truth of this important era in American history.
All American movements seem to become associated with music. This was very true of the Civil Rights Movement. A great rendition of the popular 1963 song by The Seekers, upon which the title of this film is based, can be accessed on You Tube. You will enjoy watching this clip.
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I agree that the civil rights movement as lead by MLK was a rich spiritual move of the Spirit.
But Priests of Liberal thinking came to destroy the dream by reducing all measurement of progress made to jobs and economics.
Meanwhile Black America has languished because of political and racial leadership that thrives on the fruits of their misleading.
The net result is that today the economics of black America is better but the cultural decline that has occurred under the spiritual leadership in black churches most of whom would not say a word about it.
The blaming of all things on race and bigotry is the root of the evil. It creates a idea in a person who is down that “I would be better off if _______ would just treat me fair”.
There is never said that one must admit their sin and find hope in God.
LaShawn Barber is a Black Woman from Tennessee who I read. She referred to this study today. It’s worth reading.
LaShawn’s Blog
The Study.
We must have repentance and renewal in Black Churches to recapture the spirit of the civil rights struggle of 50 years ago.
Having read much of what MLK wrote and said in his early years I’m not sure he would be a part of what passes for black leadership in America.
Except for Rev Al Sharpton. He still can tell the truth. and does.