When I began my journey to missional-ecumenism the most important doctrine that I began to understand in a new way was the Trinity. This doctrine about the God who is revealed in Holy Scripture powerfully relates to unity among Christian believers. I was honestly unprepared for how powerfully this truth would grip my own mind and heart as I studied and wrote about the church and the missio Dei. Now that the book is done I am working on the sequel, which will actually attempt to work out how we are to live our lives to the glory of God through loving God as Trinity. If you cannot love God without knowing God then this truth has to be central since this is how God has chosen to reveal himself to us in Jesus Christ.

Multitudes of Christians seem to think the Trinity is vaguely important but they have no earthly idea why this is true. Only by recovering a practical, workable understanding of God as Father, Son and Holy Spirit can we gain what we need to truly live in the Triune God. There is great mystery here for sure but it is this mystery that floods our souls with light and power. By it we can love God and one another.

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