I stay in touch with a number of other ministries like ACT 3. Several are led by my closest friends. As a result of this fellowship I know that all of us are undergoing challenging times this summer. Ministry for us has never been stronger and opportunities beckon on many fronts. I have been granted amazing freedom to speak, teach, counsel, write and encourage. A DVD will come out in August that tells our story powerfully. The future for ACT 3 looks bright beyond words. Yet these summer months, with the economy in recession, have been more than a test for us in terms of meeting our small budget. We have cut our budget several times. We cut salaries 25% last September and have made other cuts since then. We operate in a responsible manner and our board takes oversight of the mission seriously.
I write this because I need you help right now. Today!
We will not make our payroll unless we get about $2,000 by early next week. This is not a huge sum but for us it is very important. We could really use about $5,000 so we guarantee that we can finish the summer by meeting our revised/lowered budget. I am prepared to live on less, already having done this for a year, and I am prepared to make do on whatever the Lord gives to us in terms of our growth and vision. I am not prepared to back up or quit. We are on the verge of the greatest ministry we have had in seventeen-plus years of serving the church and its leaders. I believe the Lord will provide.
Would you, readers and friends who appreciate this blog and the ministry of ACT 3, help us right now? You can do this in one of two ways.
Send a check to ACT 3, P. O. Box 88216, Carol Stream, IL 60188.
Or, go to ACT 3 online and give a gift through our secure donation site. It is easy, quick and gets funds to our bank in hours.
Thanks for your help. Please keep us in your prayer as you think of various ministries that serve the church all across America. We believe that equipping leaders for unity in Christ's mission is vital to the future well-being of the whole church. If you believe this then help us if you can.
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God bless in your need brother. I know our church plant is in the same situation. We rent a local park and we have just enough for next month and no money to pay my health insurance (let alone the small salary supplement I get).
In our shared need, I will covenant in prayer with you for God’s provision my friend!