The Soloist, starring Robert Downey, Jr. and Jamie Foxx, is my favorite movie in 2009, at least so far. Likely there will be better movies but this one touched me very deeply. The Soloist tells the true story of Nathaniel Ayers (Jamie Foxx), gifted cellist and former Julliard student whose schizophrenia derailed his musical goals. Steve Lopez, a Los Angeles Times columnist, befriended Ayers and eventually told his story, first in his column and then in a book which led to the movie.
Ayers went from Julliard to the sidewalks of Skid Row in L.A. The story is both fascinating and tragic. At the same time it has a beauty to it that gives dignity to the many homeless people we all ignore every single day. (L. A. has more than any city in America.) To say that Jamie Foxx deserves an Academy nomination for best actor, based on this performance, is an understatement. If the judges are fair, and remember a film released so far ahead of the “season," Foxx is a winner in my book.
Lopez is a hard core realist who wants to help Ayers. He urges him to use medication, even seeking to find a way to force this to happen. He wants him off the streets and even gets him an apartment. But Ayers fears living between four walls as much as anything. The producer and director portray schizophrenia in a studied and artful way, much as was done in Russell Crowe’s portrayal in A Beautiful Mind. (If you loved A Beautiful Mind you should love The Soloist.)
The movie does not provide a “one stop” solution or a feel good ending, as you might expect if it were formulaic. This is, in other words, not an inspirational biopic! In fact, the gripping realism here is incredible. The end is left just where the story leaves it even though a few (appropriate) liberties were apparently taken in the film version. The great power of this film is in the two lead characters: Downey and Foxx. They are simply brilliant.
The other very moving thing about this movie is the point about it all. Lopez becomes Ayers friend. As a friend he must learn that he cannot fix his buddy just because he wants to do it. In the end the film is a musical feast while it celebrates the power of friendship. I predict serious musicians who are over 18 years of age will love the film. I confess that this tribute to friendship moved me to sit in silence and shed tears like few movies I have seen in a long time. Critics have been fairly favorable to this film but I give it four stars out of four. See it. I believe regular readers of this blog will truly love it, even if you do not dig Bach or Beethoven.
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I haven’t seen the movie. But I accidentally saw the 60 minutes piece on the real guys that the movie was based on and it was very inspiring.
“As a friend he must learn that he cannot fix his buddy just because he wants to do it.” This statement almost made me cry, as I am in this exact place with a few relationships in my own life. I will definitely see this movie. I’ve yet to be disappointed by one of your recommendations.
Jamie Foxx never ceases to impress me with his wide range of acting/entertainment skills.
John, I was deeply moved by this movie as well. There is a powerful scene as the camera scans the people fighting, homelessness, rats etc. and in the background is the lighted “the wages of sin is death.” What a picture of the Fall! But what a picture of the kingdom at the end when the mentors and homeless dance together to the music at a party. That brought me to tears to picture Jesus invitation to the party. May God grant that there be more people like Steve Lopez that learn to show up! By God’s grace I want to be part of that.
I just saw this today.
I thought it was very moving too – especially in all aspects of the portrayal of Nathaniel. They portrayed him as a person with dignity in spite of his mental illness and homelessness.
I thought maybe Downey overplayed his part a little but the points made about the nature of friendship were excellent ones.
I loved the scene near the end where his sister comes to see him and just sits quietly by him and waits, not knowing how he is going to respond – the last scene we saw being one where he was in an illness induced rage with her.