economic recession has hit many of us very directly. I do not particularly
welcome the loss of income or the attendant problems this has presented
to me. But I believe God is at work in these difficult times in
renewing the faith, hope and love of his people in so many ways. I have seen
this firsthand in my own life and in the lives of several of my close friends. ACT 3 has suffered some loss of
income but God continues to provide for us day-by-day. I am learning
again to trust him as I did in the early 1990s when we were in our
infancy as a mission.
Many of you share in supporting this mission financially. Your gifts are vital
to our work. I am as thankful to God for your gifts as I have ever been. I try to make this gratitude know as personally as possible but to those that I do not know personally please know that I am grateful for you too.
The Evangelical Council on Financial Accountability (ECFA) member
missions recently reported that their fourth quarter giving was close to what they
received in the same quarter in 2007. 72% of the organizations reported
that they actually exceeded, met or came within 10% of their fourth
quarter giving in 2007. But 28% said they fell more than 10% behind
2007 giving. (ACT 3 is in the 28% category.) The number one method that organizations said they used to work at keeping donors involved was increased personal contact. More than 30% reported that they changed their
messaging to donors.
Overall, the economic conditions have not negatively impacted most of
the member organizations of the ECFA, at least according to a report issued last
week. Most ECFA missions stated that they let their donors know
they needed their support more than ever.
the spending side 41% of ECFA organizations have frozen or delayed
salary increases, while 38% have frozen or reduced hiring. 53% cut
travel and conference expenses, while 30% delayed capital projects. 22%
have partnered with other organizations, or businesses, to find
additional support.
ACT 3 has cut salaries (our staff consists of two full-time and one small part-time salary) and cut travel and conference expenses dramatically. We are also attempting to partner with others to meet some of our needs.
The ECFA survey suggests the following:
1. God's people are generous even in times of economic decline.
2. Organizations are focusing more on core ministries in this recession.
3. Ministries are generally resilient as they place their priority on balancing expenses.
4. It is a new time to trust God and give thanks.
5. It is time to put more focus on prayer, prayer for donors and prayer for ministries.
If you are a donor to ACT 3 thank you. If you are not we could use your help, even if it is a very small gift. You can go to ACT 3 online to sign up or make a one-time gift.
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