John speaking to his board Our ACT 3 board met on Monday at noon to adopt our 2011 budget, to choose a new member of our board (Sean McCallum), and to hear our executive director Tom Burns lay out a vision for 2011. As many of you know Tom came to work with me last September 1, 2010. He brings over thirty years of business experience to ACT 3 as well as an MDiv from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. Tom left a lucrative and successful business to serve the kingdom in mission outside of his first half of life. He is a coach, a mentor and a trained Christ-centered leader. He champions my vision of missional-ecumenism with clarity and precision. He took the lead in our meeting yesterday and showed us all how the Lord has opened new doors that invite an intentional and prayerful response from ACT 3. We will share more about this in coming weeks. It is late on Monday evening and I am ready to crash so this is it for my blogging today.

Please pray for the mission of ACT 3. We intend to more faithfully find relational partners and then to work with them to equip leaders, congregations and missions for unity in Christ’s kingdom mission. This includes a very diverse group of friends and believers. It will take me to Rome this spring for an informal meeting with leaders from Catholic and Protestant ministries. I will write more about this trip soon but invite your prayer today. This meeting has come about through a “grass roots” invitation to work with friends serving on the margins of the kingdom of God where the weak and poor live and serve Christ together. John at board meeting We believe that this kind of ministry invites us into a relational context where we can build trust and deep friendship for Spirit-driven kingdom initiatives. This is the sole reason why I will travel to Italy. Please do pray. Critics will see no good in such a trip but my friends will rejoice and pray fervently so I am counting on many who read this blog to do the latter. We still need some support for this trip if you feel led to designate a gift for it. The flight, and some money, was already given even before the trip was finalized last night. This helped convince us that I should undertake this mission.

Grace to all who love the Lord Jesus and who believe this vision of unity in Christ’s mission is from God. I am in your debt and only in the life to come will we all know how much he used each of us for this glorious purpose of unity in Christ alone.

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