Each year, in early May, the entire board of ACT 3 meets for two days. We begin on a Monday evening with dinner and prayer. We get better acquainted, hear the stories of new board members and then pray. This year we have asked Rev. Phil Miglioratti, featured on this blog a few weeks ago, to lead our prayer time. Then on the Tuesday, which happens to be today, May 5, we do our primary business. We approve a budget, go over our financial statements, receive a report from the president (me) and envision the future of this mission. This day starts with what may seem like mundane reports and decisions but it ends with dreaming and thinking outside the box. Today will be no different, except that we are taking a sober look at our financial needs and the funds that we have to meet those needs. (We have less than in the past.) We will also take a good look at the future. I am sixty years old and this means we need to ask: "What specifically should we be doing as a mission in the next decade if God grants these years to me and this mission?" Our desire is to make a real difference in bringing our vision of a unified church, rooted in genuinely orthodox faith, to the forefront of the larger church in American and beyond.
Finally, on Wednesday morning we wrap-up loose ends and head for home. Several go back to Ohio and one to Texas. Several others come from California. (One from Georgia is on mission in China and not present this year!) Several live in the Chicago area. These men and women come to serve without payment because they love me and ACT 3. Would you pray for us during these hours as we seek God and his direction for this mission?
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I was blessed to be with you and your team last evening. God has given you men and women strong in prayer, eager to serve Christ by serving you, and ready for a next chapter vision of the ministry.
Catalytic. Unity. Christ’s Mission.