I have had my share of sunburn over the course of my life. In the South we grew up out-of-doors and I worked in the heat and sunshine and generally was careful, though sun screen was not very macho in my time. I did get an occasional burn and felt it for a day or so.

On Monday I walked in a Memorial Day parade and then went to a minor league baseball game (it was cloudy when we left home and we were sure it would rain) where I sat outside another three hours. By the end of the day I was toast. I clearly experienced heat exhaustion and have not completely recovered yet. Symptoms include muscular discomfort, dehydration, sleeplessness, headaches, fever, chills and, worst of all, severe nausea. Combined with my not all that robust health situation I have had it pretty tough this week. Please pray for me that I might recover and preach this coming Sunday at First Reformed Church in South Holland.

While I am at it would you also pray for the John Fawcett family. John died a few days ago after long months of struggle with a rare form of cancer. He was only 46 and left two young children behind. John was my worship assistant in my Wheaton church from several years and was one of the finest people I ever knew. He will be missed by hundreds of people, maybe thousands. He was a librarian at Wheaton College and proved that the grace of God can change a life so completely that he can live and die for the glory of God. His parents are missionaries in Brazil and I am very fond of them as well. A funeral will be held on Saturday and a special Wheaton College memorial on Sunday afternoon. "Absent from the body, present with the Lord."

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  1. ColtsFan May 30, 2008 at 9:01 am

    His earthly testimony was/is an example to the rest of us of a “Life Well Lived” to the glory of God.

  2. Bradley Cochran May 31, 2008 at 11:41 pm

    Hope your feeling better now from all that heat and sun-burn. Maybe you’ll have a cool tan!
    I’ve fixed my internet problem, and have been able to download some of your stuff. It’s great! I can’t stop listening. I subscribe to your podcast and hope to continue to keep my hear to your wisdom.

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