I previously mentioned my plans to spend some days in sunny Florida for vacation and baseball. The whole experience has been a wonderful time. I have seen four baseball games with my daughter. I also ran/walked a 5K Disney race yesterday. Actually, fast walking with a little jogging would be the right term to use for what I did. It was my first competitive race of this sort, even though I once ran distance in my 20s and 30s for fun. My goal was 45 minutes for the 3.1 miles. (I am slow!) I did it in 41.20, which rather amazed me. There were about a 1,500 plus or so runners and walkers. It was for the Kidney Foundation charity. There was something about that early morning experience that I am still pondering even tonight as I rest in my room. I am quite sure I will do this again though I have no plans to become a serious competitive runner. I am too old and there is not enough time to devote to it. My goal is to improve fitness, period. But the experience was rewarding in itself. Crossing an actual finish line felt good! I find competing within oneself at the center of the Christian life in some ways. I think this connection strikes me this evening in my body and soul.
The baseball and sunshine have been a sweet physical and emotional form of restful rejuvenation. I needed this time off and thus I have not given much thought to writing new blogs, which I will do this coming week. I will write several more blogs on libertarianism since it is evident that I hit some kind of nerve with what I wrote last week. I will respond to the many, many posted comments by one or two further blogs. I am not trying to start a war but I am concerned that so few Christians understand what libertarianism really is all about. The comments posted on my first entry last week are very helpful and quite revealing in themselves.
Today I experienced much grace in just living "in the moment." God has given me an amazing gift by providing this time off. This trip was entirely provided by a long-time friend who simply gave me the money with no strings attached. Then I was put on Disney resort property for half-price, at the last minute after a hotel hassle, because of another old friend and his wife who I dined with my first evening in Florida. God is truly gracious to provide what we do not need simply because he delights in giving good gifts to his own.
I will write about baseball next week, with some pictures and funny impressions. I also will share something about my time at Reformed Theological Seminary, which happens on Tuesday when I teach a large class for Steve Brown.
Pray for that class and for the time I get with Steve and a few other good friends at RTS. Pray for Steve as well. He had a mild heart attack last Sunday but after an angiogram and two stints he is recovering well and back at it as before. I need Steve to stay with me for some years yet and I know many who feel the same about him. He is the real deal, genuine as he can be.
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