ABC television, Channel 7, in Chicago broadcast a special twenty-eight minute program called “Sanctuary,” that was devoted to the ACT3 story and to my life and work for missional-ecumenism. This program aired yesterday, March 22. Today you can see the entire program on our home page as well as here on my blog and Facebook page. I hope that you will be moved to pray for unity and the work that I do for ACT3 Network. We need many friends who will: (1) Pray for me and this mission, and; (2) Support us financially as we bring the word of Jesus from his John 17 prayer for unity to a wider circle of churches and leaders around the world.
One great way to help us is to subscribe to the ACT3 Weekly via our website. Each Monday you will get a short article as well as news and prayer requests. Go to and sign up.
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Joe Jewell liked this on Facebook.
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RT @JohnA1949: “Sanctuary” – A Chicago ABC Television Broadcast on the ACT3 Network Story: ABC television, Channel 7,……
I watched it and it was excellent. I hope lots of people watch and are encouraged by it as much as I was.
Bryan Prosser liked this on Facebook.
Dan Brennan liked this on Facebook.
H. Kevin Derr liked this on Facebook.
Adam Shields liked this on Facebook.
James H Kim liked this on Facebook.
We were oit for breakfast after church and saw this on one of ther Tvs with closed caption! 8)
Oh I will watch for sure! Any positive feedback yet?
Watch when you have the time to see it whole if you do. Thanks friends.
Don Broesamle liked this on Facebook.
Glad I was able to see the program. It gave me some new perspective on your ministry John. Thanks be to God for what the Spirit is doing.
Wow. Just finished. Excellent piece and a great witness! Can I re-post John?
John, God has indeed used you as you have been open even when it was painful.
Yes, Douglas Peterson, please repost anywhere you desire.
Excellent! Thanks!
RT @JohnA1949: “Sanctuary” – A Chicago ABC Television Broadcast on the ACT3 Network Story: ABC television, Channel 7,……
@JohnA1949 Program which aired in Chicago area Sunday about #unity & my friend. So happy for you John! The time has come to get serious.
Jim Sutton liked this on Facebook.
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Richard Roland liked this on Facebook.
Awesome! I just shared it on my timeline.
This is great! How exciting that the ACT3 vision was able to be spread in this week.
Beautiful!!! Dan & I just watched!
RT @JohnA1949: “Sanctuary” – A Chicago ABC Television Broadcast on the ACT3 Network Story: ABC television, Channel 7,……
I am thrilled by these comments. Thanks for my dear son, Matt Armstrong. am amazed my own son would watch me. Maybe he can tell the truth. 🙂 I am also deeply grateful for this encouragement from friends Dan Brennan and Sheila Wilson Brennan. You bless me over and over again.
Jeb Gaither liked this on Facebook.
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Sheila Wilson Brennan liked this on Facebook.
BG Allen liked this on Facebook.
John Byung Lee liked this on Facebook.
Really Great, John.
RT @JohnA1949: “Sanctuary” – A Chicago ABC Television Broadcast on the ACT3 Network Story: ABC television, Channel 7,……
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Love, Start here. Amen.