“Will you not revive us again so that your people may rejoice in you?” asks the Psalmist (85:6). I have pondered his question and prayed these words as a prayer since 1969. In 1970 I saw a campus revival that changed my life. I have seen evidences of such revival in India as well as in a few churches, at least now and then, in the West. I long to see a great downpour of grace, thus biblical “showers of mercy,” fall upon the church in North America. I still believe this may well be our only hope for restoring the fortunes of Zion in the sleepy and weary American church.
Tomorrow I begin a two-day conversation, and a time of rich personal fellowship, with thirty-two Christians from all over the country who will convene together in a small group meeting in Colorado Springs. This meeting will be led by a group of which I am a part, the National Revival Network. We meet at the beautiful Navigator headquarters at Glen Eyrie. If you have a moment, over the course of these few days, would you pray for our little gathering? What if the Lord heard our cry and surprised us with a sudden display of his power and grace. Who knows, the Lord might remove his judgment and leave behind a true blessing. I pray for such a divine moment every day. May it come upon our group and may we spread his fame to the nation. “Is anything too hard for the Lord?”
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I am with you in spirit as you are in Colorado, John. Longing to see the Lord shower down his liberating Spirit once again. May he do it. Thank you again for your strategic ministry (we met briefly in St. Louis a few years ago, where I am in seminary).
Best Wishes in your efforts