I have followed the visit of Pope Benedict XVI to the United Kingdom this week with prayerful interest. This is a momentous time for all Christians in the UK. When you consider the history of the Christian church in Britain, the division and bloodshed that followed the reign of Henry VIII and the bitter religious conflict for the centuries that followed, as well as the recent secularization of Great Britain, then you have to pray for the whole church in this island nation. Bitter divisions from the age of Henry VIII simply do not work in the modern context.
A Catholic reader of this blog, Joe Heschmeyer, posted one of the finest responses to the pope’s visit to the U.K. that I have read. I encourage you to check out Joe’s fine response posted on September 22 on his blog site. This is well worth your time, especially if you pray for the catholic church in the world and especially if you care about the well-being of the church in a secular land that helped foster the rise of the modern missions movement to the world.
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John, I’m flattered! You can imagine my surprise when I saw this post. The link you provided is to my main page – I think the one you want is to this post: http://catholicdefense.blogspot.com/2010/09/two-great-quotes-from-popes-uk-trip.html
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I’m just 30 minutes away from where the pope was in London and the response was interesting… there is still a lot of anger and distrust. I was heartened by his “hand of friendship” gesture but saddened that he called the UK a secular state. Not a way to acknowledge the many Christians here, let alone the CofE.