Many of you know that I am presently writing a major book with the working title: Your Church is Too Small. The book seeks to address what I will call missional-ecumenism. It will tell the story of my own journey to this perspective as well as show why I think God is working around the world to bring Christians back to the prayer of Jesus in John 17:20-24. The book will be theological, but hopefully written in a simple form. (This does not mean it will be simplistic at all.)
I also wrote a series of articles on the Trinity that are coming out as ACT 3 Weekly articles this summer. I encourage you to sign up on the ACT 3 Web site.
These articles could become a primer on the Trinity in due time. Your feedback would be helpful as well.
I hope to complete this work on missional-ecumenism by September. I am writing on it almost every day. I humbly ask friends to pray for me that I can remain strong enough to finish it. My health issues often conspire to slow me down but I keep at it step-by-step. Your intercession will be a means of God’s grace to me. And I will be thankful for it I assure you.
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I listened to your President’s Report 2008 last night and I want to thank you for one of the clearest and basic statement of the role of Christ involving the unity of His body, the Church.
Personally having lived with this vision for a number of years, it is almost synonomous now with my passion for Christ and the will of His Father on earth. Keeping His mission and the strategic importance of the visable unity of the community of the King together is exactly what’s needed once again.
I say once again for I’m convinced that the early leaders of the WCC, most of whom were first involved in the International Missionary Council, were dead centered on this very emphasis. Visser’t Hooft, who was General Secretary from its founding until his retirement in 1966 said it about as good as it can be said in a little book that came out of the Taylor Lectures at Yale Divinity School in 1957.
In “The Pressure of Our Common Calling” he talks very openly about the difficulties of this herculean effort to call the churches to the calling the Gospel brings.The total message is on the necessity of unity as we faithfully answer that call summarized in three main areas:call to witness, to fellowship (communion with the Trinity and with oneanother),and the call to service. So that old ecumenism was saturated in the begining with these scriptural truths.
I always said you were at your best when you were focused on proclaiming Christ in his fulness.Your comment in John 17 about this being what the Son prayed for and then went to work to accomplish is full of meat. The Indicative of his finished work involves him now in the Imperative to his followers as he applies the Father’s plan to unite in One all things. This is where the direct link to Ephesians 4 comes in, but that’s where I better leave it.
God grant you your heart’s desire to serve this Christ as you serve the churches.
John Paul Todd