For some time I have believed that there had to be a clear link between marriage and abortion. Yesterday I heard a commentary on Relevant Radio (Catholic) that showed there was an obvious connection. Unmarried couples are four times more likely to have an abortion than married couples. And single mothers are also four times more likely to have an abortion than married mothers. Further, children growing up in homes without married parents are far more likely to have an abortion as well.
We recently heard that the number of unmarried adults in America now exceeds the number of married adults, with almost 51% of adults not married. This stastic is a bit misleading in several ways, including how the data was gathered. Yet I would have to guess that things do not bode well for either marriage or the pro-life movement over the long term unless we see a new generation arise that is deeply committed to a culture of life. Except for a religious awakening of major proportions this seems quite unlikely.
One things is certain. The church should defend the helpless and encourage marriage without adopting a posture that is always us versus them. The gospel is our message, and it is good news for all. By this powerful message we can form a culture of life. This does not mean that pro-family and pro-life causes are not extremely valuable but they are still a secondary means for the real changes that we need as a society. We are in a moral freefall and few seem to ponder the consequences, especially in most of our churches. My concern is not that the world is failing but that the world is in the church and the church is failing.
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