One of the ways I am working with Zondervan to prepare for the publication of my new book, Your Church Is Too Small, is to record video clips that can be posted on You Tube. My first such venture is now posted. I hope you will take three minutes to watch it. This is a new experience for me. I reckon that this is my first, but surely not my last, such venture into this new media. Check out my video discussion about Lesslie Newbigin, a role model for me and for a multitude of other missional thinkers and pastors. If you do not yet know Lesslie Newbigin (1909-1998) begin to read about him and get some of his books and dig in. There is a load of good material online. There is even a Facebook page for fans of Newbigin. You will likely be a better Christian for the effort.
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Newbigin was amazing. _Foolishness to the Greeks_ is one of books that has changed my life.
Thanks to you, John, I’ve had four books by Mr. Newbigin on my shelf for some time. A godly man.
Hi John,
Great to see you again (on video :–) Lesslie Newbigen has also probably been one of the most influential theologians on my life along with John H. Yoder. By far the most influential Christian writer on my life outside the Scriptures has been Henri Nouwen.
Hello John,
Newbigin is always relevant and wonderfully stimulating. He set the stage for the debate with the post-modern mindset. We’re all indebted to him!