Last Monday (7/1/13) I wrote a blog about the dangers of linking the teaching of karma with that of historic Christianity. I suggested that elements of karma thinking are present in some modern Christian teaching, teaching that at times borders on a number of serious errors. Several friends suggested that the teaching of Vishal Mangalwadi was helpful in this regard. Here is a good seven-minute video of Vishal speaking on the issue of karma and Christianity as distinctively different world views. I found this a helpful overview.
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I just watched this video now. Wow. Spot on! I’ve been concerned about the issues karma versus grace for quite a while now. Thank you John for posting this!
My good friend John H. Armstrong posted this earlier today about key differences between Karma and Christianity….
Dr. Vishal Mangalwadi is currently writing a book on this subject. I’m sure he appreciates your posting this today John.
Thank you John – this 7 minute segment is taken from one hour video being sold by Vision Video. I am now turning it into a small book.
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