When I previously wrote about John Hagee I defended my link and comment by saying that Hagee is misleading multitudes. I believe this is apparent once you read the biblical texts above and then read what Hagee is saying. Then follow his actions on behalf of the state of Israel. (Have you ever seen photographs of his studio/auditorium where his services take place? His platform is surrounded by the flags of both the U.S. and Israel. And have you ever followed the money trail of his Christians United for Israel mission and asked where does Hagee send significant funds to support a nation, not a mission? And have you heard what he says about the gospel and the need for the Jews to believe in Jesus as the Messiah?) To suggest that I should read the entire Four Blood Moons book before I comment on his teaching is nothing short of preposterous. For beginners I have read all of John Hagee that I care to read. His exegesis is terrible, his theology is worse and his public ministry is built on sensationalism and the total support of the state of Israel as primary. I need say no more.
In my last Facebook comment I noted that when this sensational prediction cycle is used by a Reformed voice, namely like that of the late Harold Camping, I offered the same criticism. My deep problem is not with the eschatology of dispensationalism, per se. Nor is it with some version or perversion of this system, though this is really worse yet. Some respectable dispensationalists avoid this kind of emphasis admirably. (John MacArthur comes to mind here as one excellent example of not predicting the end!) But it must be admitted that many dispensationalists, like John Hagee, have a hard time not talking constantly about the End being near. Sadly, this tends to go with this system and the exceptions tend to (generally) prove the rule.
What troubles me even more about ministers like John Hagee is the way the prophetic conclusions that he draws have been linked with American nationalism and international political decision making by the USA with regards to our Middle East policy.
Jesus clearly said: “Blessed are the peacemakers.”
My rationale for raising these kinds of questions is rooted in this teaching. John Hagee is promoting war! You ask, “How?” By assuring us that wars must happen or God’s word will fail. What stirs the blood of some Christians more than anything I know in the present context is the assurance that God tells us that some wars “must” come soon AND that God himself instructs us about which side we should be on in advance of these wars. This is not only bizarre it is dangerous. It is not peacemaking in any meaningful sense. (Think of how much we criticize some radical Muslims about jihad and knowing God’s will about war and then plug this into Christian interpretations like these and you can at least see the possible dangers!) This is why I wrote a simple, slightly sarcastic, comment on Facebook. And this is why I posted a link to an article about John Hagee’s prophetic meanderings.
John Hagee’s teaching is not consistent with orthodox, mainstream Christianity. It is blatantly strange. It should be repudiated and rejected by serious Christians. If you desire to listen to Christ, and pursue unity in peace with all people and especially with the household of Christian faith, then do not give a moment’s thought to teachers like John Hagee. Certainly save your money. The day that Hagee openly recants this nonsense I will happily support him. Meanwhile, I am not sorry that I warned some of you to avoid him.
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the bottom line is “Who cares what Jesus said?”
Once in a while ‘Right Wing Watch’ gets it right http://www.rightwingwatch.org/content/john-hagee-winds-debunking-his-own-blood-moons-theory
Everyone I know loves John MacArthur’s teaching. I just wish he’d lay off saying we’re of the devil every sermon (charismatics)! LOL
Though I don’t fit well in that movement either…
John good article.
Jim Sutton, I commended John on this matter because he does get a lot right but when he is wrong he is often really, really wrong. You may know he has also taken a few shots in my direction but I love him and have told him I do. I also pray for him and seek to see all the good in him that I can, thus my comment. I do the same with John Hagee but I do not know him personally as I do JM. I do not like the way out culture lumps all of these guys together and consigns them all to the dump of Christianity. I hope I have not done that to Hagee in my posts. I think I was both kind and truthful. If not, I am open to being shown how I messed up.
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