In our May 14-16 annual meeting, the board of ACT 3 adopted a ten-year vision plan that grew out of a deep unity God granted to us. We believe that God gave this overall plan and then confirmed it with a strong case for this ministry. This statement can be found on our Web site home page in “The Case for the Mission of ACT 3.”
I humbly ask you who read this blog to carefully read this Case Statement. I am also asking you to help us in a specific way to carry out this mission. It is our hope that in reading this Case Statement you will be moved to participate. I need all of you who read this blog, and find benefit in this ministry, to become regular donors. The ideal way that you can help is by making monthly or quarterly gifts. Our goal is to build a team who will underwrite the support of this ministry. We seek in this way to avoid special appeals and seasonal pleas, and an unhealthy reliance on seeking large gifts. We believe that our future can truly be sustained by the support of faithful donors.
Here is what is specifically needed:
50 donors who give $250 per month
50 donors who give $100 per month
100 donors who give $50 per month
100 donors who give $25 per month
No gift is too small. We still need many more donors at $25 and $50 as I write this morning. When these goals are met we will be able to hire a full-time Director of Communications, allowing us to produce scores of media interviews while dramatically upgrading our Internet-based outreach, blog spot, and print ministry.
We will continue to “give away” our counsel and many of our content-based resources, as well as our ministry to churches and schools. It is in this way, we believe, that ACT 3 will have a unique opportunity for our strongest contribution yet to the missional renewal of the Church. As you know, many ministries are fee-based, which is not wrong. We have chosen to be donor-based and thus unashamedly encourage you to help us in this manner.
As a regular contributor to ACT 3 you will be critical to the health of this ministry. I see my donors as part of a special team, and intend to keep in close contact with you, via mail and email, personal gatherings and individual conversations. I will also keep you informed by sending our audio updates and other new resources, as an expression of our gratitude.
Since I seek to build significant relationships and share crucial ideas that can shape the hearts of Christian leaders for the future this philosophy is what works for us. We believe that our real capital is the principles that God gives to us, which in turn will be “seeded” into the church as our gift. Please help me do this if you can. The largest gift you can possibly make to ACT 3 will be a huge blessing to our mission. Your response will also help us as we consider our budget and look forward to adding a Director of Communications.
You can make a gift now through our very user-friendly donor feature at You can also sign up there to be a recurring donor, which is the optimal way to help us.
And thanks to all who are deeply concerned about this ministry. We are a 501c3 charity thus you will receive a proper receipt for any gifts you give to ACT 3 if you live in the United States.
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