Common Ground: God’s Gift of a Restored Marriage, by Gordon Bals, is a book “God can use” according to best-selling author Larry Crabb. I agree and this is why I endorsed the book by writing:
Books on marriage are very numerous, but really good books on marriage are quite rare. This is a really good book! Couples will surely benefit by reading it. By practicing its truths they may enjoy much-needed growth and healing in their relationship. Highly recommended.
Dr. Gordon Bals is a professional Christian counselor who writes from the perspective of a flawed husband who is still trying to get it right. He doesn’t have all the answers but does offer a way to journey into wholeness that will lead married couples from entrenched places of battle to common ground.
Larry Crabb is right when he says a book cannot restore a marriage, only God can. But, says Crabb, “Common Ground is a book God can use. Gordon tackles tough issues with soundly biblical creativity, practical wisdom, personal integrity, and fresh insights that provide real guidance. . . . This book deserves wide exposure.”
What this book does for couples is take them into the bigger story of what God is seeking to give to couples as they struggle in their marriage. The sheer wisdom, and incredible honesty, of this very readable book makes it a great resource for couples and pastors who counsel couples.
One of the more unique, and deeply biblical, stances the author adopts is to show how evil and the enemy of your soul work to tear down your relationships, especially the most important relationship of all, your marriage. The biblical realism of this stance, joined with the biblical pathways to follow to overcome evil, make this a unique resource on marriage and restoration.
Gordon Balls founded Daymark Pastoral Counseling, a ministry committed to the restoration of relationship to God and to one another.
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