Dr. Richard Land, head of the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention, will be giving a talk at Wheaton College on the evening of Wednesday, March 2, discussing “A Moral and Just Response to the Immigration Crisis.” Dr. Land, who leads the public policy arm of the largest evangelical denomination in the U.S., was named by Time as one of the 25 most influential American evangelicals. An unabashed conservative, Dr. Land does an excellent job of articulating the need for just and compassionate immigration reform to individuals from across the political spectrum. This free event is open to the public and sponsored by the Wheaton College Republicans, the J. Dennis Hastert Center, the Department of Political Science and International Relations, and World Relief DuPage/Aurora. For more information, see http://bit.ly/e4Uujp. I plan to attend and hope to see some of you there next week.
On the evening of Friday, March 4 and on Saturday, March 5 in West Chicago (IL), the annual Mission on Your Doorstep conference will be focusing on the issue of immigration. This year’s conference, “God’s Kingdom without Borders,” will include talks by nationally-prominent teachers and leaders, including Christians at the Border author Daniel R. Carroll. For those of you who had the opportunity to hear Danny speak last August, this is a chance to go more in-depth and to encourage others in your church to learn more about immigration from a biblical perspective. Full information and registration is online at www.missiononyourdoorstep.com.
Finally, there is a new online movement that World Relief has helped to cosponsor called http://UnDocumented.tv. The site includes a short film called A NEW DREAM, various experiences that will help people to better understand the immigration issue, and a regularly updated blog that World Relief hopes will be useful to churches, student groups, and others in helping to wrestle with the complex issue of immigration from a Christian perspective. Please check out the site and help spread the word.
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