I confess that I generally enjoy writing my blogs. I think I would have quit this if I merely wrote blogs out of a sense of duty. I write because I enjoy it. I also write because it seems that these posts are edifying and useful to some readers. At the same time I need to take a break now and then. The time to take a break for me is now.
There are several reasons why I will write fewer blogs, and comment less, in the coming weeks. (I expect, and sincerely hope, to return to a daily blog writing pattern after a few weeks of rest.) Here are some reasons for my time away from daily writing.
1. I am working on my manuscript for a book: Our Love Is Too Small. This demanding work is far more important to me, and to those that I seek to serve, than these daily blogs. It has more permanent importance and demands much more of my mind and body than blogging.
2. I can write something every day but this takes 5-7 hours each week. I am tired and need to conserve my energy for this season.
3. Other ministry demands call me to give and serve in ways that do not allow as much time for my blogs as I have had in the winter. I am meeting with many more people and doing more public events these days than I have done for many years. (The photo above was taken last Monday, March 3, at the George W. Bush Museum’s “Oval Office” in Dallas. I spent much of that day with my friend Mark Moore. People like Mark are a vital part of what I do and why I do it.)
4. I truly believe that the Holy Spirit spoke to me about “rest” and said that I need to listen more during this season in my life.
Next week I will post several new blogs. I hope to do several each week so please keep reading. Let me know if this ministry is helpful to you. Soon I will likely be back to five or more posts per week. For now pray for me as I retreat ever so slightly to regroup and spend time alone and writing on my book.
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God’s blessings, John. May you get the rest you need and may the words flow easily from your pen to the paper.
Happy writing!
Garry Trammell liked this on Facebook.
Rest and Labor are necessary to make each other work. We’ll pray for you in your rest as in your labors, for surely your strength comes in listening to the Spirit.
Just the right amount of rest…
Beth Coffman liked this on Facebook.
It is helpful to me John. And you do not need to apologize for following your own counsel. Rest and solitude are prerequisites for having anything meaningful to write about.
Ken Bogan liked this on Facebook.
Joseph L Schafer liked this on Facebook.
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Bruce Kwiatkowski liked this on Facebook.
Ben Toh liked this on Facebook.
I like it when you take a break. First of all because you deserve it, but most of all because every one of your blogs is so ‘meaty’ that I need more time to digest them. It’ll give me some time to catch-up! May you be fruitful in your writing and your rest!