Spring is official. I know, the real date is officially March 21, but for me the day Spring began is today, March 12th. I will soon be sitting in the brilliant sunshine of Walt Disney World’s Wide World of Sports in Orlando watching the Atlanta Braves play the Washington Nationals. I plan to soak in the sunshine and relax, enjoy some of the fine culinary blessings, and have good fellowship. I’ve already seen several games this week with my daughter and son-in-law but today’s game will allow me the pleasure of sharing the day with David Gordon, a good friend, and seeing the greatest game under the sun for the fourth time this week. It doesn’t get any better than this if you have endured a Chicago winter. Thanks to the generous special gifts of two very dear friends this trip was made possible when I didn’t really have the money to come here at all. My heart is filled with gratitude to God for these days and thanks for such friends who cared about both my body and spirit enough to let me have a glorious week in Florida. I needed this break from the work. Coming home tomorrow is going to be hard but I can endure the rest of the bad weather to come knowing that Spring has really come, at least in Florida. Soon I will be able to see games in Chicago and all will truly be well. If you can't enjoy this pleasure I promise to not rub it in.
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