One of the most famous ads in American history is one that features "Uncle Sam" saying, "I need you!" It is a piece of cultural iconography. During World War II, and after, it symbolized something of the spirit of the nation.
Well, in the spirit of "need" I must tell you that ACT 3 "needs you." Every similar ministry will tell you at this time of the year that they need gifts to finish the year well. ACT 3 is in the same place. But I have been thinking a great deal lately about how you could help ACT 3 and me do this ministry.
We all know, by now, that President-elect Barack Obama unleashed the largest Internet response to a political candidate in history. He did this by putting his message before people who then shared it with their friends who then they shared it with their friends and eventually both the man and his message connected millions of people into a large movement. One of the most important keys to his political success was how his campaign raised money. The Obama folks knew that the Clinton team would have a huge advantage with money in early 2008. So they appealed to their vast network of Internet friends to give them $5, $10 or $20. It worked and the rest of the story we know. Obama communicated his message to a huge audience and millions decided to get personally involved, most of them in very small ways that made a very big difference politically.
Well, I am not running for office. I am nothing more than a visionary teacher of the Christian faith who is called by God and the church to seek the renewal of the whole church in our time. The financial needs of ACT 3 have never been huge. (Our budget has been decreased 25% since September 1 and is now less than $180,000 for all that we do; this includes salaries, travel, accommodations, printing, Internet services, postage, office expenses, etc.) And we still give all our ministry without charge, thus allowing us to serve any person or group without pre-set fees.
Most of you who read this blog do not yet realize just how much of a difference a $5, $10, or $20 gift would actually make to us.
There are thousands who read these daily blogs. If a few hundred readers made any donation at all it would change our ability to minister effectively almost overnight. I am completely serious about this point. A small gift can make a big difference when you are trying to impact the lives of Christian leaders and thinkers around the world through Word and Spirit. That is our mission. If you share it, and profit from this resource, would you help me right now?
This link will take you directly to our secure Web site feature where you can make a one-time donation or, even better yet, become a regular donor. If you can sign up to give a small amount each month that would really help us.
As I thought about this situation recently I conceived in my mind 300 new people who would give once or more. I realized what difference it would make for us right now. We presently have about 300 donors. We receive no large gifts and no money from charitable foundations. What we do is not supported by the big donors who support the Religious Right or other massive conservative causes. People who play fast and loose with confessional orthodoxy like us even less than some conservatives. So I need you if you believe in the vision of ACT 3. Many of you are young and have very little to give. But remember, $5 a month would be a real big deal for us.
You can check out the newly redesigned Web site of ACT 3 to learn more about us. I would be so grateful if you helped us as soon as possible.
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John, the new web design is superb! I pray that ACT has the best year-end giving in its history.