I am writing to you as the chairman of the board for ACT3, the teaching ministry of our mutual friend, John H. Armstrong.
I suspect that your interest in John’s ministry is similar to my own. You are concerned about the state of the church in our generation and in our nation. You too recognize that the American church has become spiritually apathetic, theologically ignorant, and culturally indifferent to the mission of God. You further recognize that the current state of the church is nothing short of a crisis thus you believe, as I do, that God still uses men to challenge and confront His church in such a time as this. I believe that John is just such a man who has been called for our time. It is for that reason that I have pledged my support to this man and his ministry.
As you may know, summer is the slowest season for raising funds essential to the maintenance of this or any other ministry. This fact, coupled with growing concerns over the economy, has placed ACT 3 in a serious financial shortfall this month.
Our present financial situation is critical so I am humbly asking you, on John’s behalf, to prayerfully consider a gift over and above your regular giving. If you have never made a financial contribution then I would also ask that you consider partnering with us in this work, either through a one-time gift or by becoming a regular monthly partner.
Your contribution will help further this work and ministry. You can give a one-time gift or become a friend of the ministry through a regular monthly gift. Any gift will be greatly appreciated and put to good use. The links will take you to our site and there you will find a convenient means for making a contribution.
I realize that there are many good ministries and organizations to support. However, there are few, in my opinion, so committed to addressing the first causes of the church’s weakness quite like ACT3.
Please bring this appeal before the Lord and prayerfully seek what he would have you do on behalf of John and this ministry.
Yours in Christ,
S. Michael Craven
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