The ninth annual Walt Disney World National Kidney Foundation 5K event happens on March 8, at 7:00 a.m. I plan to be there and walk/jog the 3.1 miles. Why?
For starters my daughter is a runner. She ran two half-marathons in the past seven months and stays on my case daily about taking better care of my body. Since my physical condition, with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, makes me low on energy I need a lot of pushing and tugging but Stacy provides it. When I was in my thirties, like Stacy, I enjoyed running. Then I got a bad case of pneumonia and had to quit. (I also had constant shin splints!) Walking is a bit more realistic for my age and physical condition.
My second reason for this run/walk is that I want to enjoy a week in Florida and see some Braves baseball too.
Stacy, her husband Jason, and I have made this an annual event so again we shall escape, God willing, the harsh winter and bask in the Orlando sunshine. I will also get a day on campus at Reformed Theological Seminary with a number of great friends. As always, my friend Steve Brown has been crazy enough to let me teach his large class on ministry. This gives me an opportunity to hang out with Steve, who will be our guest speaker on September 5 at our first annual ACT 3 Dinner.
So, at least four days a week I am walking, at an increasingly brisk pace, 2.5 miles or more. It has helped me cope with a brutal winter here in Chicago. I often do this work-out with Stacy, who tells me this is "staff time" since the two of us are the staff of ACT 3. Besides this workout Stacy does the martial arts and is a black-belt champion. Don’t mess with the Armstrong gang, eh?
The National Kidney Foundation of Florida 5K Run/Walk for Organ and Tissue Donation Awareness at Epcot® is a worthwhile event and one I look forward to sharing in personally. With thousands of people I will see Epcot Center in a new way. And my participation will support the National Kidney Foundation of Florida and be a lot of fun along the way.
Did you know that seventeen people die each day from not having a transplant? More than 81,000 Americans are currently waiting for a life saving organ transplant and approximately 3,000 new names are added to the national waiting list each month. I am glad my kidneys work well and that I can do something both fun, good for me and good for others at the same time. Who knows, I just might tackle some more 5K’s and then maybe a 10K someday. Given my competitive nature don’t bet against me. I don’t look like an athlete I assure you but I feel better when I do walk and get out and do something beside sit at my desk and write these blogs and work on books, etc.
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