A people who will to be led poorly will always be led poorly. A corrupt populace will be granted what it wants through the presence of corrupt leaders. These things go almost without saying. When you begin to grasp the mind and core values of Senator Hillary Clinton you soon realize just how corrupt and driven this woman really is. Hillary, being a "gender-feminist," sees relationships and issues as battles. And she is determined to win every battle possible. This is an unmistakably clear point made over and over by Edward Klein in his new book, The Truth About Hillary (New York: Sentinel, 2005).

Klein allows the reader to see privately how the late New York senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan viewed the woman who eventually took his Senate seat. Moynihan was an old school liberal Democrat with honor and class. He was also a noble, decent and highly-regarded man who was loved and respected across the wide partisan divides of Washington.

Klein notes that Moynihan was very often disappointed by how Bill Clinton failed to take good advice. Klein says Moynihan’s view was really simple—Bill Clinton’s problem could be summed up in one word: "Hillary." The Clintons regularly slighted Senator Moynihan during the 1990’s. Moynihan told his friends that he had a long list of people in the Clinton administration that he disliked but at the very top of his list was Hillary. Writes Klein, "On a number of occasions, he had caught Hillary shading the truth." And Liz Moynihan, the wife of the late senator, shared her husband’s assessment that Hillary was " a liar and dissembler." Liz spent lots of time with Hillary while she was still deciding to run for her husband’s soon-to-be-vacant seat in the Senate. She told friends that she "found Hillary to be one of the strangest people she had ever met." Says a friend of her’s "Liz had her own view about what made Hillary that way." Said Liz, in an interview that Klein had with a freind of her’s who spoke off the record: "I believe that she

[Hillary] believes that God approves of her, and that therefore she can’t do anything wrong. I suppose it’s a midwestern Methodist view, the equivalent of Nixon and Quakerism."

The Moynihan’s were deeply disappointed in Bill Clinton. They believed that President Clinton should have resigned the moment the Lewinsky scandal broke rather than put the country through the agony of impeachment proceedings. Klein notes that the Moynihan’s "found Hillary’s defense of her husband during the Monica Lewinsky scandal to be nothing short of imcomprehensible."

In another incriminating and very commonly held view that is expressed throughout Klein’s book by the people who know Hillary, Liz Moynihan once told her friend that Hillary is "duplicitous. She would say or do anything that would forward her ambitions. She can look you straight in the eye and lie, and sort of not know she’s lying. Lying isn’t a sufficient word; it’s distortion—distorting the truth to fit the case."

How can a religious person, who professes to be a devout follower of Christ, become such a deceived liar? Mix in a false and dangerous idea about the kingdom of Christ from a liberal Methodist background, with a strong confidence that you have been anointed to be president from early in your life because your Mom told you so, and then stir into that mix the kind of piety that makes you far too certain that you really do know God’s secret will explicitly, and you get Hillary Clinton. A woman who worked on Hillary’s staff says it all very well. Here is the way Edward Klein reports it:

At bottom, when all the fancy analysis was stripped away, Hillary’s problem seemed to be quite simple: women were far more likely than men to see all her talk about compassion was an act.

"She’s the most unbelievable actress I have ever met," said a woman who worked on Hillary’s Senate campaign. "I remember one time at a Women’s Leadership Forum event in New York, thirty of us sat around Hillary, talking about politics. And she said, ‘You know, I love this organization, not just because we sit around and talk about politics, but becuase of the bonds of friendship forming around us.’ The way she said it, people were revited by her performance. But I had gotten to know her, and I could tell she didn’t mean it. She has this unbelievable ability to be a liar. She is soulless" (Klein, pages 184-85).

It is this last sentence that is the most chilling description of Hillary I have ever read. It sent me to my knees praying that Hillaary never leads this nation. She is "soulless." That says it all.

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  1. Joseph August 17, 2005 at 1:37 pm

    Dear brother John,
    I hesitate to write this because your ministry has been a tremendous blessing to me. Your spiritual journey has several similarities to my own, and your vulnerable self-offering and penetrating honesty has been a constant encouragement to me. The joy I have received from you and your ministry (First attending a conference in Dallas in 1997) will, I hope, contextualize this minor criticism.
    I was disappointed by your two posts on Hillary Clinton. It is not that I disagree with you or think that you have not studied the subject thoroughly enough. It is rather that you painted a very harsh picture of her, (perhaps a completely legitimate one) but did not offer specific sources for your conclusions.
    You did mention Klein’s book and the fact that you had researched the issue significantly. Indeed, you quoted people in Klein’s book (as well as Klein himself) with great freedom, but did not offer the evidence that warranted such a harsh evaluation. As one who has not studied much about Mrs. Clinton, I found little reason in the two posts to accept your evaluation of her. She was called “soulless,” etc…but I have no idea why. There were generic statements akin to saying that she will do anything to get ahead, and that she is a “gender feminist,” but I didn’t see anything supporting those claims from actual speeches, quotes from personal encounters etc.
    Perhaps I was trying to glean too much from the posts. Perhaps I have just severely missed something. If so, please let me know. I wanted to write because, if I am correct about the two posts, I firmly believe that harsh public evalutation must always be coupled with, indeed, demands weighty public evidence. The lack of the latter can cause people to loose credibility in the eyes of some. I, for one, don’t judge you at all. What you said is probably true. But, I would have been very bothered by reading the posts if I had not followed your ministry for several years.
    Please forgive me if I am being too harsh. You remain a respected Christian brother to me. I truly enjoy your writing, and I will strive to pray for your ministry more. It has been a gift of God to me.
    God bless!
    Your brother and friend in Christ,

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