Images Besides being one of the most important New Testament scholars of our generation N.T. Wright is also one of shrewdest observers of modern technology that I know. I agree completely with his comments on blogging. These comments are available on a short video clip from a longer interview that will appear in a few weeks. Check out what he says and leave a comment if you like. I found this immensely helpful. The fact is I spend more time with people than in writing blogs, far more. I find this necessary to keep my feet planted on terra firma and my mind and spirit linked with the lives of real people. I fear that way too many pastors are blogging much too much. This tendency is not healthy for the church. I am not a pastor and one reason I am not is because I do not believe I could really pastor a church and do the writing and other ministry I am committed to by design.

This is the best three minute commentary you will likely see on this subject so check out Bishop Wright's comments and see for yourself:

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  1. Mindy McCracken August 17, 2009 at 9:56 pm

    Thanks for sharing – I thought he was spot on the subject.

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