Last Friday evening I shared in a dialog with Fr. Jon Braun, a priest of the Orthodox Church. It was a fine evening and I enjoyed connecting with Jon Braun again. I first heard Jon speak as a college student in 1967 at the University of Alabama. His subject was "Love, Sex and Dating." Believe it or not he was giving the same teaching on Saturday to young adults in Bloomington. (The more some things change the more they remain the same I suppose.)
Back when I first heard Fr. Braun he was on staff with Campus Crusade for Christ. He left Campus Crusade in 1969. He is a delightful Christian, now 75 years old and very healthy and sharp. He was most charitable and gracious to me personally. I hope I was the same to him. I am beginning to blog a new series about the back-and-forth of our evening dialog at my missional site. The first post went up today.