UnknownEarlier this week Pope Francis spoke to the 37th Convocation of the Renewal in the Spirit, the International Catholic Charismatic meeting held in Rome. Fifty-two thousand people from fifty-five countries gathered for the two-day meeting at the Olympic Stadium. The pope’s address (transcript by AsiaNews) is below. It must be noted that such gatherings and messages clearly indicate to Christians who are not locked into a warfare mindset of the historical past that something amazing is spreading in our time in history. This is most certainly a work of the Spirit, thus a movement of true grace. Millions of Christians are tired of the older battle lines of the past and see a world that is looking for a message of true hope which points them to Jesus. The Father is seeking lost sheep from every nation, tribe and people group and he is calling us to work with him. Read this address and you will hear the heart of a Christian shepherd who is clearly a faithful man of God.

Pope Francis’ Address

Thank you so much for your welcome. Surely, someone obviously told the organizers that I like this song: “Spirit of the Living God.” When I used to celebrate Mass in Buenos Aires with the Charismatic Renewal, they would sing this song with so much joy. Thank you! It has made me feel right at home. I thank the Renewal in the Spirit, the International Catholic Charismatic Renewal Service and the Catholic Fraternity of Charismatic Covenant Communities and Fellowships for this meeting, which gives me so much joy. I am also grateful for the presence of the first people who had a strong experience of the power of the Holy Spirit. You, Charismatic Renewal, have received a great gift from the Lord: you have been born from a desire of the Holy Spirit as a current of grace in the Church and for the Church. This is your definition: a current of grace.

What is the first gift of the Holy Ghost? The gift of himself, who is love and helps us to fall in love with Jesus. This love changes lives, for it is said “to be born again to life in the Spirit.” Jesus said so to Nicodemus. You have received the great gift of diversity of charisms, the diversity that the Holy Spirit brings to service to the Church. When I think of you I see the image of the Church, but in a particular way. I also think of a big orchestra where every instrument and voice is different, but are all part of a harmony of music. St. Paul tells us, as an orchestra, no one in the Renewal must think they are more important than the other: please! Because if someone begins to think they are more important or greater, then the plague begins. No one can say ‘I’m the boss’. You, like the whole Church, you have only one head: the Lord Jesus! Repeat after me: who is the head of the Renewal? The Lord Jesus! The Lord Jesus! And we can say that, with the power that the Spirit gives us, because no one can say that Jesus is Lord without the Holy Spirit.

As you may know, because news travels fast, in the early years of the Charismatic Renewal in Buenos Aires I did not love the charismatics: and I used to say of them “they look like a samba school.” I did not agree with their way of praying and the so many new things that were happening in the Church. After I got to know them and I began to understand the good that Renewal does for the Church. And this story, which began with the samba and moved on, ends in a particular way: a few months before taking part in the Conclave, I was appointed by the Conference of Bishops as chaplain of the Renewal in Argentina.

The Charismatic Renewal is a great power at the service of the Gospel: you have found the love of God for all his children and the love for the Word. In the early days it was said that you always carried a Bible and the New Testament with you: do you still do this today? I’m not so sure! Return to this first love, always carry the Word of God in your pocket read a bit; always carry God’s Word. God’s people and the people of the Renewal, be careful not to lose the freedom that the Spirit has given us. The danger for the Renewal, as is often said by our dear Father Raniero Cantalamessa, is excessive organization: you need it, but do not lose the grace of allowing God to be God. There is no greater freedom than that: to let the Spirit lead, refusing to calculate everything, and allow Him to guide us where He will, to enlighten us. He knows what is needed most at all times and in every era.

Another danger is to become “inspectors” of God’s grace. Sometimes the leaders become perhaps unwittingly administrators of grace deciding who can and who cannot receive it. If some of you are doing this, I beg you to stop doing so! You are stewards of God’s grace, not “inspectors.” Do not carry out a “customs control” of the Holy Spirit. In the documents you have a guide and a safe route to avoid mistakes: theological and pastoral orientation, ecumenism, service to man. This is a path: evangelization, ecumenism, care of the poor and welcome of the marginalized. And all this on the basis of worship: worship of God is the foundation. I have been asked to tell the Renewal what the Pope expects of you: the first thing is the conversion to the love of Jesus that changes lives and makes the Christian a witness of God’s love.

The Church expects this testimony, and the Spirit helps us to live in consistency with the Gospel for our holiness. I expect you to share the grace of the Church in the Holy Spirit. I expect you to evangelize with the word of God, which proclaims that Jesus is alive and loves all men; to bear witness to our ecumenical commitment: to remain united in the love that the Lord Jesus asks us to have for all men, and in the Holy Spirit in prayer, to arrive at this unity. Remember that the Renewal is by its very nature ecumenical: the Catholic Renewal rejoices at what the Spirit realizes in other churches. Be close to the poor, the needy; touch in their flesh the wounded flesh of Jesus.  Be close to them, please.

Seek unity in the Renewal, because it is born of the Spirit and the unity of the Trinity. Who does division come from? The devil. Flee from infighting, please! Make sure that there is none between you. I want to thank the International Catholic Charismatic Renewal Service and the Catholic Fraternity of Charismatic Covenant Communities and Fellowships, the two bodies of pontifical statues in service to the worldwide Renewal, busy preparing the meeting of priests and bishops from around the world for next year. I know they have decided to share the same office and work together as a sign of unity and better manage resources. I rejoice and thank them, because they are already organizing the Great Jubilee of the Year 2017.

Brothers and sisters, remember: worship God, the Lord! This is the foundation. Seek holiness worshiping God in the new life of the Spirit. Be stewards of the grace of God, avoid the danger of excessive organization, go out into the streets to evangelize. Remember that the Church was born with an outward bound spirit that morning of Pentecost. Move closer to the poor and touch in their flesh the wounds of Jesus.  Please do not imprison the Holy Spirit! Live with freedom! Look for the unity of the Renewal, which comes from the Trinity. I invite you all, charismatics of the world, together with the Pope to celebrate your big jubilee, Pentecost 2017, in St. Peter’s Square. Thank you!


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  1. Chris Criminger June 5, 2014 at 1:53 pm - Reply

    Hi John,
    I love the Pope’s words here. Some people want to bring up the past like the Catholic Church does not want people to read the Bible. This is obviously not true. The Word of God is unbound just like the Spirit of God is unbound.

    Speaking of Catholic renewal, I have sensed for some time that if the Catholic Church would decentralize the power of the papacy, there would be a flood of new people entering into the Catholic Church. I believe this is what Pope Francis wants but will it happen? Secondly, if there is going to be renewal in a more ecumenical world, then the walls between Eucharist sharing have to come down. I am not saying the Catholic Church should allow for anyone to participate in their communion services but what I am saying is there needs to be a much greater openness and various Christians coming together than what we currently witness.

  2. Greg Metzger June 6, 2014 at 5:06 pm - Reply

    Wow! Great stuff! Sounds like missional ecumenism to me big time!!

  3. Nick Morgan June 23, 2014 at 9:50 pm - Reply

    WOW!! Awesome! Pope Francis is 100% “Spot-On”!!

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