I was taught, like most, that God loved me if and when I changed. Simply put, if I repent then God will love me. But 1 John 4:8 and 16 says, “God is love.”
Love is the supreme revelation of the Christian faith. Divine love is the chief characteristic of living faith. Other religions know something about a God who is compassionate (to varying degrees) but no other religion has known the dynamism of divine love, a love that moves the entire creation toward the Creator. This God-Love is the most distinctive quality to be discovered in true Christianity. But listening to much of what I hear Christians say about God and faith you’d never know this to be the case.
Because God-Love is who God is we are loved. God loves you and me so that we can change. Richard Rohr says, “What empowers change, what makes you desirous of change is the experience of love. It is that inherent experience of love that becomes the engine of change. If the mystics say that one way, they say it a thousand ways. But because most of our common religion has not been at the mystical level, we’ve been given an inferior message—that God loves me when I change.”
Most of our religion is lived at the level of propositions and intellectual knowledge. This easily becomes a form of moralism. Believers of all the major Christian historical families are guilty of teaching moralism instead of love. (Note: Love will lead to true morality, not immorality! But we fear this is not the case until we know this love firsthand.) Moralism puts the motivation for deep change back on you. But you will never be holy enough, pure enough, refined enough, or loving enough. Never, no matter how long you try and how hard you work.
Richard Rohr is insightful when he concludes, “Whereas, when you fall into God’s mercy, when you fall into God’s great generosity, you find, seemingly from nowhere, this capacity to change. No one is more surprised than you are. You know it is a gift.”
The Apostle John links God-Love with our love for others. A true Christian, says John, begins by loving God through faith and faith is “believing in God’s love, that God is love (1 John 4:16). So faith and love are inseparably linked in biblical theology.
I can’t believe it took me decades to deeply grasp this truth since it is self-evident to all who read the Holy Scriptures with real faith.
When the great theologian Karl Barth was asked what was the most profound theological truth he had learned in his lifetime of deep biblical study he answered: “Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so.” That says it as well as anything I’ve heard. Do you really believe that he loves you?
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John, you wrote, “God loves me when I change” but in 52 years as a believer in Christ I have NEVER had that thought.
American King James Version
But God commends his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
Romans 5:8
that is the best advent truth the world ever heard then the best got better and the word became flesh and dwelt among us full of grace and truth and he was beheld by those around Him. thanks John for the reminder
John, this post has clearly put into words something that I’ve been trying to figure out and say for a very long time.
I just found your post from 2010 on evangelicals entering the new interfaith dialogue. Thanks for that. I’d like to introduce you to the Evangelical Chapter of the Foundation for Religious Diplomacy (http://www.fidweb.org/organization/fid-chapters/chapters/evangelical-christian-chapter). Perhaps we could collaborate on this common interest.
John, I have visited your site and would like to talk to you personally. We do have much in common and a conversation would be a welcome start to learning more.
does not link to anything – said Error.
“But you will never be holy enough, pure enough, refined enough, or loving enough. Never, no matter how long you try and how hard you work.”
Or as stated over and over again by Brennan Manning (and most recently in his
2011 book: “All Is Grace”):
“God loves you unconditionally, as you are and not as you should be, because nobody is as they should be.”
Double “Thumbs Up” to this post!! There is no greater force for change than God’s Love! If more Christians thought of God as a Holy Trinity (Eternal Family of Love), then St John’s statement that “God IS Love” would make more sense and impact us more deeply. The loss of a deep Trinitarian and Incarnational theology has negatively affected the Church in more ways than many of us realize.
God bless!