When I began to write my blogs eight years ago I had very little idea about what I was starting. I was not even sure that I would continue to write these posts for any length of time. Since then there have been a number of times when I was ready to give it up. (I think everyone who is honest will admit the same thing, especially about this kind of writing!)
Then Facebook and Twitter developed and I began to use them as well. Now I blog, at least four times a week or more, and I also post on Facebook and Twitter almost daily. While I find this medium to be fraught with dangers of both mind and heart I also find that they can be used for great good. I remain, for now at least, a committed blogger and also a user of the more popular forms of social media.
Yesterday I met with several people in Atlanta who I first “met” via the social media and my Internet blogging/writing. These are unique times when I realize that this expression of my person and mission is important for me and my calling to serve others as a visionary teacher of missional-ecumenism.
I am constantly striving to do all of this better. I ask for your input and prayer. I also value comments and questions.
For some of you there is a feature on my blog site that you may not have noticed. You can choose to “Follow” my blogs and every time a new one is posted you will get an email that gives you a link to the new post. If you like to get email reminders then use this feature and you will be notified by mail each time a new post goes up on this site.
You will also notice that you can follow me on Facebook and Twitter if you like these forms of reading and commenting. I welcome civil, honest and charitable comments whether I agree with them or not. You may actually find your own voice and serve others if you decide to respond.
Denise Murphy Plichta liked this on Facebook.
John changed webservers recently, and we’re still working out the bugs. Here is the correct link: http://johnharmstrong.com/?p=5232