The Synod of Mid-America of the Reformed Church in America is hosting a great missional church seminar on April 4 and 5 in South Holland, Illinois. The president of the synod just informed me that there is room for people who are not in RCA congregations to sign up if they would like. I will attend and would love for some of you join me there. Here is the basic information:

M3:  Moving from Maintenance to Mission

Key congregation leaders of the churches within the Synod of Mid-America, and others who would like to join them, are invited to attend M3: Moving from Maintenance to Mission.  This event, co-sponsored by the Regional Synod and the Classis of Illiana, will be held:

Friday-Saturday, April 4-5, 2008

Calvary Community Church

16341 South Park Ave.

South Holland, IL 60473


Friday, April 4, 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM (CST)

Fellowship evening dinner for all at 6:00 PM followed by worship, evening presentation, and discussion time.

Saturday, April 5, 8:00 AM – 12:00 noon (CST)

Gathering for “coffee and rolls” followed by worship, presentations, and time for discussion and questions.  Event will end by noon – no lunch will be served.

M3: Moving from Maintenance to Mission will be an equipping and motivating event of value for pastors, consistories, and all church leaders.  Dr. Paul Borden will be the presenter for the following three sessions:

· Christian Leadership for a New Century

· Congregational Life Cycles

· Making Evangelism a Value

There will be a time to discuss what was heard as well as to ask questions.  Included will be inspirational worship and prayer time.  It is anticipated that leaders will leave being challenged to more than just doing “church” in the local setting.

To give you an idea of a presentation follow this link to view the first page of the Congregational Life Cycles session handout:  Leadership groups will begin to think about where their congregation is in the cycle and how to break the cycle.

Many may already be familiar with Paul Borden.  Two years ago he gave a similar presentation in the Synod of Great Lakes which was received very well.  Paul is the Executive Minister for the American Baptist Churches of the West.  He is a nationally known church consultant who helped initiate the “teaching church” movement, in which congregations learn from other congregations about excellence in ministry.  Leith Anderson, the author of Dying for a Change” writes this of Paul Borden:  “The American Baptist Churches of the West have demonstrated that a plateaued and declining region of mainline congregations can become a model of healthy and growing congregations.  They have overcome the usual excuses… They have followed a powerful formula of Biblical strategies, courageous leadership, and much hard work.”  He has written two books:  “Hit the Bullseye” and “Direct Hit”.  Those who have heard him speak have found his remarks, at the very least, to be thought provoking.

Registration information:

· The cost of the event is only $10 per person

· Church groups and/or individuals are able to register

· Register online by going to and click on the M3 Registration link, or you can print the Registration Form and mail it in, or email the same information to

· Registration deadline is final on Saturday, March 22, 2008

· Questions?  Contact Randy Kooy ( or 815-464-9181)


The following hotels are suggested for those needing lodging:

Comfort Suites, 2235 West 173rd St , Lansing, IL 60838, (708) 418-3337

$81 + tax  –  one bed

$108 + tax  –  two beds

Sleep Inn, 2255 173rd St , Lansing, IL, US, 60438, (708) 418-3700

$77 + tax  – one bed

$90 + tax  – two beds

All rates quoted are based on the Internet reservation discount.  Both hotels are about four miles to the church. 

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  1. brad brisco March 21, 2008 at 10:45 am

    well I am not a part of your “tribe” but this sounds good!

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