For more than a year I have desired to present a well-done video that shares the vision of ACT3 Network as clearly as possible. Given the time span that people will give to viewing such a video online this presentation needed to be designed to run for less than five minutes. It also needed to feature some of our ACT3 friends, our “big” story and my personal vision for missional-ecumenism. Finally, we have produced this new video. I am genuinely excited about it and the potential it has to help our mission. When you now go to our website you will see this film on the homepage.

Today I introduce you to this new ACT3 Network Story video. I will tell you more about this video, and how it can be used to read the flame of missional-ecumenism, over the next few days. Please watch it if you are interested and then share it with your friends as widely as possible.

Please allow the Spirit to lead you as you watch. We need donors and friends who will help us make this vision “viral.” To this end please pass this link to the video along to your friends who share a vision of unity in diversity (John 17:21).

Special thanks are in order for a dear friend who donated all the money we needed to make this new video. Also, thanks for the incredible work of my new friend, Tim Frakes. Tim is a superb videographer, as you will readily see. He is also a wonderful Christian who really got deeply involved in this project above and beyond the time we planned. He was a delight to work with at every stage and I highly recommend him to you. Finally, thanks for every friend who took precious time to be interviewed. Many who were interviewed are not on film in this new ACT3 Network Story. But their interviews will appear over the course of the coming months and help us reach many more people with our message. More about all this tomorrow.

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  1. Shirley Paulson November 3, 2014 at 7:02 am - Reply

    Bravo, Act3! I’m so grateful for your vision, for your commitment, and the love that inspires you to press on. Thanks for the shout-out for Tim Frakes, too, a true friend for Christianity worldwide.

  2. Tim Frakes November 3, 2014 at 7:40 am - Reply

    Thank John, for the kind words. I was bragging to a former missionary and current Christian High School teacher and about our new ACT3 Network video at my Christian and Missionary Alliance Church yesterday.

    My friend flatly stated, “In all my years working as a missionary in Columbia, I never meet a Roman Catholic who knew Jesus Christ personally.” My friend went on to include his Roman Catholic family members in this category. Clearly, we have a lot of work to do…

    • John Armstrong November 3, 2014 at 2:49 pm - Reply

      This story is sad, but all too true. Once we get out of our box and meet real Christians from all backgrounds we cannot defend this kind of response. What you former missionary needs is “missional eyesight” to see that the Holy Spirit has been poured out on all who love Jesus truly.

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