The host pastor for our Chicago ACT 3 Cohort is Rev. Dr. George Byron Koch, pastor of Resurrection Anglican Church in West Chicago. George and I have begun to share this missional-ecumenical journey very deeply. George is the author of a fantastic book on doctrine and unity that I highly recommend, What We Believe and Why. This is the best theology book I have come across in years. George understands what is genuinely essential, and why, and then keeps his eye on the goal – Jesus Christ and his mission! Order a copy and you will thank me.

This is the terrific new book I mentioned above. It is $24.99 retail (it is a substantial book), but George gave me a discount code for my friends and readers. Get the book and read it, and then review it for your friends and readers! I wrote about the book in my blog, here:

My Blog about the book

The discount code is CGLS8DA7. It’s worth ten dollars. No one’s received such a discount before. Just you. The book is available online (Amazon, Barnes & Noble, etc., including ebook form) but the code works only if you purchase the paperback directly from the publisher, Byron Arts. Click here:

You’ll see why I want more Christians to read it.

I heartily commend this new book to every faithful reader of this blog.

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