My Articles
Two Cascade Titles Win Illumination Book Awards Medals
[Editor's Note: This article is shared on this blog with [...]
The Hearts & Minds Very Best and Personal Favorites of 2021 Chooses “Tear Down These Walls”
My friend John Armstrong has devoted three decades or more to the work of Christian unity. His story and ministry have encouraged many around the world and now they are reflected in this study, which includes some of his own story, almost like a theological memoir of a life devoted to unity.
Is It Seedtime?
I love words. I am not a professional wordsmith but [...]
Politics and the Soul
Nothing seems to be more ruinous of personal religion these [...]
Deacons & Service (A Guest Article)
Deacons & Service Roy Hill II As a deacon, my [...]
How Do I Take Up My Cross Daily?
One of the most astounding and deeply troubling commands of [...]
Chalking Our Home at Epiphany?
I confess that until recently I had never heard of [...]
Lord, Orchestrate My Desires (Revised)
You received a blog from me just a few minutes [...]
Live the Life You Imagined
The famous Henry David Thoreau wrote: Go confidently in the [...]
The Document of the Origins of Jesus of Nazareth
Matthew's Gospel has always caused modern readers some consternation when [...]
Joseph’s Utterly Unique Vocation
The late philosopher and atheist Jean Paul Sartre one wrote [...]
Living My Way Into the Life of the Trinity
No truth is (perhaps) more complex than that of the [...]
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