Notre Dame lost 38-0 to Michigan, who clearly is not as bad as their 0-2 start indicated. Notre Dame hasn’t scored a single touchdown in its first three games. Notre Dame is likely to loose as many as seven or eight games this year given the schedule they have in front of them. And what does Coach Weis tell the media after the game? "We are not going to watch the film from this game at all." He then added that they were not going to try to change anything but they simply would go back to training camp and start all over. What on earth is this plan but an admission that he and his staff failed to prepare this team to play at all in 2007? Combined with the cloud hanging over the Patriots present, and potentially over their past, this hire is making Notre Dame look even worse every single week. Dating back to the final games of last year Notre Dame has been a total disaster. This world class university, that takes so much pride in its football tradition and clearly still recruits some of the best football talent in all of America, needs to look at their coach and listen to the silly explanations that he offers for a program that is now in total chaos. Every true fan knows that Notre Dame is in deep trouble and the buck stops with Charlie Weis, not with the players. Sorry Charlie but I don’t believe you get it at all. Your ego is just way too big to listen it would seem. I just wonder when the good folks in South Bend will admit that they made a big mistake in hiring this guy and an even bigger one in giving him a long-term contract extension.

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