Do you long to be a Christ-like peacemaker, a bridge-builder, and a servant-leader? 

Do you believe that Christ’s kingdom is not about a program but rather about being one with God’s people in a relational unity that leads to deeply shared mission?

I have recently shared with many of you how God has been pleased to give me a fourth quarter life-vision for ACT 3’s purpose of “equipping leaders for unity in Christ’s mission.” This new vision is to mentor leaders, both lay and ministerial, through a series of missional-ecumenical cohort groups gathered around the country. These groups are intentional small groups focused on mission, joined across traditional denominational boundaries, for the kingdom of Christ.

These training sessions are four day-long meetings, spread over the course of eight months, shared with other Christians committed to understanding and pursuing these same goals together. If you are interested, then please read on, and register online. It is imperative that you sign up and begin this process soon. Please feel free to contact me directly. These cohort groups include 1,200 pages of carefully selected reading, personal interaction with group members through a web-based (password protected) site and the opportunity to become part of growing network of focused missional practitioners around North America.

These cohort groups are unique. I know this because I have taught this material in seminary and college settings only to see very few students really embrace this teaching in their daily practice. As I analyzed this failure to see transformation I went back to basics and asked, “How can I give this vision to people who will be transformed in both thought and practice?” This led me to prayerfully explore how I could communicate this life-changing content and experience so that a growing missional-ecumenical movement might spread to every part of the church in our contemporary context. I believe the answer God gave to me is this missional-ecumenical cohort training experience.

Please go to ACT 3 online and check this out if you are interested. (If you cannot afford the price please contact me directly to talk about scholarship options.) My life is deeply committed to people who want to share with me in this journey in the years ahead.

 Tomorrow: More Information on the ACT 3 Cohort Groups

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