21-4I admit my own bias but one of my favorite magazines is Religion & Liberty, published by the Acton Institute. You can get a print subscription but you can also read issues online. The most recent issue features a great interview on "Rethinking Mission to the Poor." This is vintage Acton thinking expressed by the kind of people who have made a real difference working with the poor. Check out the current issue at Acton's magazine site.

While you're there check out the November-December issue for 2010. You might recognize the guy on the cover. I hope you will enjoy the interview they did with me. I was very pleased with the finished product and how they told my story through this interview. 

I am very pleased to serve Acton as a partner by being a Senior Advisor. In this role I represent Acton to evangelical leaders and seminary professors. I am pleased to say that the job is delightful and the work is a lot of fun for me. It fits with my missional-ecumenism vision wonderfully. This is why my most recent book, The Unity Factor, is also published by Acton. You can get it for a very good price in the Acton bookshop online.  

Acton's web site is well worth your time. Check out all the resources and the wealth of great material on freedom and economics. 

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  1. gregory February 15, 2012 at 11:39 pm

    Everyone needs to read the interview with Dolphus Weary (I love that name, he is anything but weary!). We are truly kindred spirits within different contexts. What a beautiful man.
    Attending Acton University for the first time last June was inspiring beyond words. Many of my thoughts, hopes, and dreams now have begun to find a language I could not possibly have possessed otherwise methinks. I firmly believe Acton is/will be part of our societal, cultural, and economic solutions, by God’s grace. May God continue to bless us all through Acton and your ministry with them.
    My prayer is that I may be able to attend annually. What a blessing it was!

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